Snow Patrol 雪警樂團
Chasing cars...(紅透了就不貼了)
Set the fire to the third bar的豐厚內蘊
Gary Lightbody 唱歌唱到出神入迷閉眼小拇指娘娘翹的大飛哥樣
整個原聲帶都快比電影紅了…最後一封要Dear John的可能真的是抱歉
Called Out In the Dark 黑暗之中.呼之欲出
It's like we just can't help ourselves 看起來就像我們也幫不了自己
'Cause we don't know how to back down 正因不知如何敲打退堂鼓
We were called out to the streets 我們被呼喊出於街道
We were called in to the towns 我們被呼喚進於市鎮
And how the heavens, they opened up 他們是如何開展天堂
Like arms of dazzling gold 像臂膀開啟...
With our rain washed histories 用雨水刷洗過往
Well we do not need to be told 嗯…
Show me now, 快展示給我瞧瞧
show me the arms aloft 快秀出那欲振而飛的臂膀
Every eye trained on a different star 每雙眼瞄準不同的光環
This magic 這魔法
This drunken semaphore 這搖搖晃晃的信號
And I 而我...
We are listening 我們正在聆聽
And we're not blind 我們看的清楚
This is your life 這是你的生命
This is your time 正是你的時光
We are listening
And we're not blind
This is your life
This is your time
I was called out in the dark 我從黑暗之中被呼喊而出...
By a choir of beautiful cheats 用以詩班吟唱的美麗欺暪
And as the kids took back the parks 正當小鬼頭們被帶回公園
You and I were left with the streets 你跟我就可以延街道遠行
Show me now, show me the arms aloft
Every eye trained on a different star
This magic
This drunken semaphore
And I
We are listening
And we're not blind
This is your life
This is your time
This drunken semaphore 此段推估是用以御接前句show me the arms aloft 的"arm"字
而在Snow Patrol的官網上也如是解答
Re: What is a drunken semaphore?
A semaphore (line) is: a system of long-distance communication based on towers with moving arms.
So a drunken one is self-explanatory, i.e waving your arms around like a loon.
Oh and for future reference, please post topics like this in the General forum and not in SP General. Thanks. :-)
他們自會dummy dummy拙劣的揮舞雙臂而飛翔...不言而喻、不表自明
Snow Patrol 好像說著自己被樂迷們從暗處Call出